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  • You can use the site for free but buying premium has some perks:
  • You will help develop more features
  • No ads will be shown to you
  • Branding will be removed from PDFs
  • Higher limits on saving puzzles and tests
  • One time payment

Displaying the most recent updates made to the web-app.
Feel free to share feedback if you notice any issues or disruptions.


  • [premium] you can now use your own FEN notation to create custom puzzles
  • puzzles will now have a play button which solves the puzzle if answer is available
  • you can now print lichess studies using the study page
  • zoom mode shows 2 puzzles per row & puzzles can be removed from the puzzle page
  • saved puzzles & tests can be shared to public
  • keep line breaks on test title and test puzzle instructions
  • use a super optimized board background to save printer ink
  • use courier sans font to save printer ink
  • show article link below puzzle pages if available (only available for discovered attack now)
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